Found at Brooke House in Hackney, the document from which this pattern was drawn is identified as 1920s in origin, notably because of the way it had been printed: a ‘gravure’ technique, which only became commercially viable after the turn of the last century. In fact, the design is likely to have been copied from a much earlier paper and the five colourways have been made using the rather more painterly, textural surfaceprint technique which is more typical of the older, original wallpaper.
Muster für diese Tapete
Wir empfehlen, vor dem Kauf ein Muster der Tapete anzusehen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie mit dem Endergebnis zufrieden sind, da die Farben auf dem Bildschirm variieren können. House - Linen Collections/Archive Trails/Archive Trails II/Brooke House/Tapeten/Farbe/Grüne Tapeten/Tapeten/Farbe/Rosa Tapeten/Tapeten/Stil/Blumen Tapeten/Tapeten/Stil/Vogel Tapeten/Tapeten/Wallpaper Collections/Archive Trails/Tapeten/Wallpapers by Period/Tapeten des 20. Jahrhunderts/Tapeten/Wallpaper Collections/Archive Trails/Archive Trails II/Tapeten/Stil/Feature Tapeten33192394144515965188266<p>Found at Brooke House in Hackney, the document from which this pattern was drawn is identified as 1920s in origin, notably because of the way it had been printed: a ‘gravure’ technique, which only became commercially viable after the turn of the last century. In fact, the design is likely to have been copied from a much earlier paper and the five colourways have been made using the rather more painterly, textural surfaceprint technique which is more typical of the older, original wallpaper.</p> <p>Found at Brooke House in Hackney, the document from which this pattern was drawn is identified as 1920s in origin, notably because of the way it had been printed: a ‘gravure’ technique, which only became commercially viable after the turn of the last century. In fact, the design is likely to have been copied from a much earlier paper and the five colourways have been made using the rather more painterly, textural surfaceprint technique which is more typical of the older, original wallpaper.</p>00 HouseArchive Trails IIPaste the WallSpongeableStandard10.055261/a/t/atii_brookehouselinen_3x.jpg/c/o/colour_pair_right_image_lip0obuvda9vhnnf.jpg/a/t/atii_brookehouselinen_3x.jpg/l/g/lg-atii---brooke-house---linen-adj_1920x404.jpg/a/t/atii_brookehouselinen_3x.jpg/a/t/atii_brookehouselinen_3x.jpgWallpaper Application - Paste the WallWallpaper WashabilityWallpaper Roll WidthWallpaper Roll LengthWallpaper - RepeatWallpaper Collection0292BRLINEN